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Carlsberg Beer Group

35M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Hami) Co., Ltd.
60M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Dali) Co., Ltd.
60M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Wusu) Co., Ltd.
50M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Wusu) Co., Ltd.
60M3 saccharification system of Ningxia Xixia Brewery Co., Ltd. (low pressure boiling heat energy recovery system)
Modification of 45M3 saccharification equipment for Xinjiang Beer Group
Tibet Lhasa Beer Co., Ltd. 50M3 saccharification system equipment (including raw material processing system)
60M3 silos of Tibet highland barley beer Co., Ltd. raw materials processing and automatic control system
50M3 silo, raw material saccharification and automatic control system of Tianma the Yellow River Beer Brewing Co., Ltd.

集安市| 囊谦县| 行唐县| 松阳县| 沭阳县| 翁源县| 江源县| 平原县| 宜宾市| 丹棱县| 沛县| 且末县| 嘉祥县| 蓬安县| 中超| 宜丰县| 罗江县| 汶上县| 行唐县| 鱼台县| 邻水| 政和县| 天峻县| 鄂托克前旗| 娄底市| 玉树县| 大理市| 定安县| 资阳市| 阳山县| 隆回县| 建宁县| 江孜县| 大新县| 长岭县| 故城县| 山东省| 小金县| 玉门市| 磐石市| 麻城市|