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Carlsberg Beer Group

35M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Hami) Co., Ltd.
60M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Dali) Co., Ltd.
60M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Wusu) Co., Ltd.
50M3 saccharification equipment of Carlsberg beer (Wusu) Co., Ltd.
60M3 saccharification system of Ningxia Xixia Brewery Co., Ltd. (low pressure boiling heat energy recovery system)
Modification of 45M3 saccharification equipment for Xinjiang Beer Group
Tibet Lhasa Beer Co., Ltd. 50M3 saccharification system equipment (including raw material processing system)
60M3 silos of Tibet highland barley beer Co., Ltd. raw materials processing and automatic control system
50M3 silo, raw material saccharification and automatic control system of Tianma the Yellow River Beer Brewing Co., Ltd.

济源市| 温泉县| 宜兴市| 噶尔县| 华安县| 社旗县| 崇左市| 新津县| 兰考县| 沅江市| 永清县| 自治县| 霸州市| 黄石市| 长白| 江油市| 无极县| 雷州市| 甘南县| 临洮县| 彩票| 金坛市| 太仆寺旗| 仁寿县| 墨江| 富裕县| 沙河市| 嫩江县| 栖霞市| 多伦县| 蒙城县| 太仓市| 敦煌市| 宽城| 苗栗县| 隆尧县| 军事| 和政县| 寿阳县| 安顺市| 新晃|