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Anheuser-busch Inbev

InBev Fujian snow 60M3 saccharification system and transformation of four sets of old saccharification equipment
InBev Fujian snow chemical Brewery Group (Nanchang) Co., Ltd. 60M3 saccharification system
2 sets of 60M3 saccharification system equipment of Indira Bo Xue Zin Beer Co., Ltd.
60M3 saccharification equipment of Indira Bo Xue Zin beer (Nanchang) Co., Ltd.
Low temperature dynamic boiling heat energy recovery and wort flash system transformation of InBev beer and snow Putian company
Low temperature dynamic boiling heat energy recovery and wort flash system transformation of InBev beer and snow Nanchang company
Renovation of 60M3 heat recovery system and wort flash system in Indira Bo Xue Zin (Putian) Brewery Co., Ltd.
Renovation of 60M3 heat recovery system and wort flash system in Indira Bo Xue Zin (Nanchang) Brewery Co., Ltd.
InBev beer (Zhoushan) Co., Ltd. 60 M3 raw material handling - grinding - saccharification system equipment
InBev Brewery (Quzhou) Co., Ltd. 60 M3 raw materials storage, processing - crushing - saccharification system equipment
60M3 raw material treatment, comminution and saccharification system of InBev (Ukraine Yan tower) Brewery Company

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