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Craft Beer
Tsingtao Brewery Group

Tsingtao Brewery (Huangshi) Co., Ltd. 45M3 saccharification equipment
50M3 saccharification equipment of Qingdao four plant of Tsingtao Brewery Group Co., Ltd.
Tsingtao Brewery (Heze) Co., Ltd. 30M3 saccharification equipment
Tsingtao Brewery (Jixi) Co., Ltd. 50M3 saccharification equipment
Tsingtao Brewery (Xuecheng) Co., Ltd. 50M3 saccharification equipment
Tsingtao Brewery (Ma'anshan) Co., Ltd. 60M3 saccharification equipment
Tsingtao Brewery (Songjiang) Co., Ltd. 60M3 saccharification equipment
Tsingtao Brewery (Bingzhou) Co., Ltd. 60M3 saccharification equipment
Modification of 50M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Xuecheng company
Transformation of 45M3 saccharification equipment in Tsingtao Brewery group plain company
Modification of 45M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Huangshi company
Modification of 25M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Yingcheng company
Modification of 45M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Suizhou company
Modification of 15M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Tianmen company
Modification of 45M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Luzhou company
Modification of 45M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Hanzhoung company
Modification of 45M3 saccharification equipment in Tsingtao Brewery group Xiamen Company
Modification of 15M3 saccharification equipment of Tsingtao Brewery group Heze company
Tsingtao Brewery (Huangshi) Co., Ltd. 60M3 saccharification equipment
Tsingtao Brewery (Sanshui) Co., Ltd. 60M3 saccharification equipment
Transformation of filter tank of Tsingtao Brewery fifth limited company
Transformation of filter tank in Tsingtao Brewery four plant

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