
Location: Home > Craft Beer > DEEMANN Series
Craft Beer
DEEMANN Raga Red Beer

Malt degree: 12.5°P

Alcohol degree: 4.6%vcl

Formula: Australian malt, Malt degree scorched malt, malt, 2 hops, fermented yeast under lager, special brewing water.

The wine maker's note: the yellowish cream brewed beer made of pure wheat sprout, which is suitable for negotiating slow drinks, drinking less, drinking better, and being born for the quality of life.
The wine maker uses the classic formula to add special malt to increase the malt fragrance, the color of the wine body and the delicate foam, add the mainstream American brew Cathcart, the rich orange scented hop, the bitter taste, the sweet taste, the high quality and strong yeast, the unfiltered, the yeast, and the natural brewed yellow. Slightly raw beer is the choice of quality life beer lovers.

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